It is quite common that people tend to like the idea that they are right in every aspect of their lives, that they have already "mastered it" or "got it".
But, this closes their minds towards new things and new ways of thinking. You become stuck within the old and stop evolving, how can this make one "happy?". But then again, what do YOU define as happy?
Personaly, I feel that happiness is an approach towards life rather than a state of being that you are searching for all your life trying to "catch".
I am not saying, that you are WRONG in your current beliefs. But what I am saying is, that something else may me MORE RIGHT FOR YOU!
What can be more right than to live more right according to yourself and your true beliefs?
Have you ever thougt about the possibility that there may be more "after life" than death and darkness? Doesn't it then make more sense that the meaning of life itself could be to keep learning? Perhaps that learning brings knwledge that we have a use of in the "life" after this one?
I don't know, I need to learn more myself, but I will not take anything for granted. I rather embrace the change and face the new, befriend it so that I can understand it, rather than closing my eyes and ears, or demanding "the new it" to change.
I made myself a favor today when I looked myself in the mirror and said I wasn't perfect. I am human, so are you. We are all childrens of earth who need to learn. We were all given birth as a gift and a chance to a life in a search for YOUR truth.
What more perfect could life be, when you are born free no remembering, not seeing. If life after death brings back knowledge that you did not know in life, then, isn't it quite marvellous thinking over the possibilitees what you could learn from a lifetime? The possibilitees are endless with an open mind in hand.
So do yourself a favor and change your approach towards what is different towards yourself. And then simply FEEL! We humans tend to 'think' too much rather than 'feeling'.
If you can define right vs wrong, then I personally would define it as what you FEEL in your heart. So, yes you have heard it before... FOLLOW your HEART.
What humans need to learn is, that you need to keep learning. Stop taking for granted, stop believing that you are perfect or that you "have it all figured out".
Find your inner child again and bring it out! find that innocent CURIOUSITY! and embrace it's creativity and fantastic capabilities to fantasize and create what is NEW and only YOU!
Open your minds and hearts and one day you will become one with yourself.
You are not more or less worth than anyone else on this planet so, be open minded towards different perspectives, out of this you may give birth to new perspectives and new ideas.
Change your approach, your view, your attitude on and towards the new..
Don't be afraid, fear is useless.
be-COME.. Yourself, become "you".
This lifetime is short, but life is eternal..
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